Lightspeed Zoey Integration

Lightspeed Zoey Integration is user-friendly and easy to understand, whether you sell a single item or 1 lakh items. SKUPlugs can streamline and automate inventory syncing. Lightspeed Zoey integration automatically updates inventory to Zoey, saving your time, and reducing costly errors. Our automated process will sync product catalog details from Lightspeed to your Zoey and sales orders from Zoey to Lightspeed.

Get Started Now!

    Our Work Flow

    Connect your Lightspeed and Zoey in few clicks and configure both platforms as per your business requirement. Enjoy the Sync!!


    Connect Lightspeed

    Connect Lightspeed with your Zoey store in few clicks. Easy and user friendly user interface to connect both platforms.


    Configure & sync

    Configure both platforms with each other as per your business requirement and set the syncing rules.


    24x7 Online Support

    Our 24x7 online support team will keeping you always connected. You can talk to our boarding and product experts anytime.

    Our Best Pricing Plan

    No annual contracts. Month-to-month subscription. No hidden charges.



    • Unlimited Products
    • Unlimited Orders
    • No percentage of transaction fees
    • 1 Integration
    • No Setup Fee
    • Support: Chat & email

    Additional Sales Channel


    • Unlimited Products
    • Unlimited Orders
    • No percentage of transaction fees
    • Unlimited Integration
    • No Setup Fee for additional integration
    • Support: Skype, Chat & email

    About Lightspeed

    Lightspeed is a global leader in retail, restaurant, and golf management software that is recognized worldwide for its rich functionality, multi-national ability, and unique flexibility. It is a Cloud-based Point-of-Sale system that is perfect for small and multistore businesses. It is a strong POS system with an easy-to-change user interface, flexible reporting, and quick and easy promotion tools.

    Lightspeed allows businesses to scale products and inventory. When you expand your business to more locations, it will be as simple as opening a new account, copying the menu from one of the existing sites, switching the tablets on, and opening the doors. You can enable multiple payment types like Credit Cards, mobile, and contactless payment.

    Lightspeed Retail has every functionality that you need to happy your customer’s at the checkout counter and beyond. It provides a good API interface so that you can connect your business with other shopping carts(Shopify, Magento, Woocommerce, Bigcommerce, Wix, Squarespace) and marketplaces as well.

    Lightspeed Integration

    Integrate Lightspeed with


    Sign up with us and start your 15 days trial account. Connect your Lightspeed and Zoey in a few clicks and sync unlimited products from Lightspeed to the Zoey store and sync unlimited orders from Zoey to Lightspeed with customer’s details.

    No contract is required, it’s a monthly subscription-based service.

    No credit is required for the trial plan. 

    No, you don’t need to install any plugin to connect with Lightspeed POS. You just need to authorize our application to connect with your Lightspeed.

    Yes, you can sync the selected products with your Zoey store. You can set the configuration rules as per your business requirement.

    Yes, you can use any specific price level for your Zoey products. You will have all the price levels created in Lightspeed and you can use any of them for Zoey products.

    Yes, you can connect multiple sales channels along with Zoey . if the sales channel is not listed on the website you can contact us at [email protected]. We will develop the custom integration for you but the cost may include.

    Sign up for 15 days trial!

    No payment required, jump to get started.

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