Square Salla Integration - No Setup Fee

Integrate your Square POS with the Salla store in just a few clicks, within five minutes you can connect Square Salla Integration and configure both platforms together. Easy to manage Products, Inventory, price levels, product type, meta description, tags, Sales Orders, and customers.

Get Started Now!

    Our Work Flow

    Connect your Square and Salla store in few clicks and configure it as per your business requirement. Enjoy the Sync!!


    Connect Square

    Connect Square with your Salla store in few clicks. Easy and user friendly user interface to connect both platforms.


    Configure & sync

    Configure both platforms with each other as per your business requirement and set the syncing rules.


    24x7 Online Support

    Our 24x7 online support team will keeping you always connected. You can talk to our boarding and product experts anytime.

    Our Best Pricing Plan

    No annual contracts. Month-to-month subscription. No hidden charges.


    $0/15 Days

    • Unlimited Products
    • Unlimited Orders
    • No percentage of transaction fees
    • 1 Integration
    • No Setup Fee
    • Support: Chat & email

    Additional Sales Channel


    • Unlimited Products
    • Unlimited Orders
    • No percentage of transaction fees
    • Unlimited Integration
    • No Setup Fee for additional integration
    • Support: Skype, Chat & email

    Why should you opt for Square Salla Integration?

    If you wish to attract more clientele, you need to provide better customer service. Improved customer interactions can go a long way in increasing your customer base and, subsequently, your profits. You need to create a seamless omnichannel experience for the customers for this to occur. Getting Square POS Salla integration can easily help you achieve this.
    When you opt for Square Salla Integration, you can achieve many things. Here is why Square and Salla integration can be beneficial for your business:
    1. Managing inventory becomes child’s play
    2. Keeping track of sales is easy
    3. Customer data is easily available
    4. Prevent Overselling
    5. Expand sales reach to Marketplaces
    6. No Manual work
    7. Increase revenue and growth

    Integrate Lightspeed with


    Sign up with us and start your 15 days trial account. Connect your Square and Salla in a few clicks and sync unlimited products from Square to the Salla store and sync unlimited orders from Salla to Square with customer’s details.

    No contract is required, it’s a monthly subscription-based service.

    No credit is required for the trial plan. 

    No, you don’t need to install any plugin to connect with Square POS. You just need to authorize our application to connect with your Square.

    Yes, you can sync the selected products with your Salla store. You can set the configuration rules as per your business requirement.

    Yes, you can use any specific price level for your connected cart’s products. You will have all the price levels created in Square and you can use any of them for the Salla store.

    Yes, you can connect multiple sales channels along with Salla. if the sales channel is not listed on the website you can contact us at [email protected]. We will develop the custom integration for you but the cost may include.

    Sign up for 15 days trial!

    No payment required, jump to get started.

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